Fact Find
A comprehensive fact find allows data entry of personal and financial details.
The only mandatory information required is the name, date of birth and gender. All other information is optional, but will be required depending on your requirements.
As well as individual details, other tax entities may be added such as Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF), Family Trusts and Companies
The fact find is broken into two areas:
- Personal Details - Constant personal data that will not change within the multiple strategies allowed with the financial plan.
- Financial Details - Initially entered as the current position (or existing strategy), the financial details can then be copied when creating a new strategy and then changed to suit the strategy you wish to model.
Note: As with most areas in Plansoft, these screens adjust to your monitor size to ensure you can see as much data as possible.
ABN 71107714241 ACN 107714241
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